Content Writing Hacks for Beginners: Updated in 2023

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Being a content writer isn't as easy as being a,b,c. Anyone can write anything, but not everyone can write a standard copy. It's an art, but not everyone is an artist. 

Wait, wait, wait! Is the task that much harder? Then why are millions of blog writings published daily? There's something that must hide behind every content. Nothing but you need some tips, tricks, practices, and some own modified strategies for becoming a successful content writer.

If you're a beginner, focus on making a root in media strong enough to make your content reachable quickly. To make your writing as easy as pie, follow some content writing hacks for beginners.  

In 2023, Contents are beyond price for media platforms almost in every sector, from the educational sector to the fashion world, social movements to political ones. But does each writing grab the attention of the audience?

Not. The content must be triggering. To be a successful content writer, some hacks you should keep an eye on are: creating informative ones with your style, using pinpoints,  and especially trying to write for your audience as well as Google and further search engines.

It's not the end. How can you apply them in your writing? There're updated writing hacks for beginners in 2023. Let's get started to know them and find ways to apply as well as adapt them in your way.


Our Discussions

  • Introduction.

  • Researching and Planning Your Content.

  • Content Writing Hacks for Beginners: Tips & Tricks.

  • Tips for improving your writing Skills and Style.

  • Importance of Optimizing & Proofreading Content.

  • Ways and Strategies in Promoting Content.

  • The Bottom Line.


Researching and Planning Your Content

In this writing media, you’re supposed to face different subjects which may not be familiar to you. At the same time, you can't write benchmark content without knowing the details.

The more you research, the easier you can write a resourceful piece. But above all, to avoid leaving something out, you need a proper plan of action to execute your knowledge through writing.

Some tips and tools you can know before creating your roadmap with research and planning.


Tips for Researching & Planning Your Content Effectively

Researching and planning before dipping into writing should include the initial step for you as a newcomer. You can search as write topics for content writing for beginners and may have a list of relevant topics. It is crucial to understand a topic in depth before linking it to your content. 

Begin with outlining the topic, marking the audience, and the reason behind the writing. As well, select a tone that goes with your readers.

And you can follow 6 content writing tips for beginners given below to make it easy:


  • Select a topic: The topic must have recorded social shares and drive traffic organically, and also can satisfy the readers.

  • Fixing an aim: Here, you should deal with the content type, format, and angle based on your audience.

  • Attach relevant facts: Add some original documents, including case studies, different perspectives, opinions, and experiences to present your content as transparent as water.

  • Talk with SMEs: You must not be equally expert in all fields. For recovering your lacking, there're scopes to interact with subject matter experts to have a clear concept.

  • Leverage social sites: Sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Reddit, and others are used to know about the current stats of the topic and the trends. 

  • Surveys: Before writing, plan an online survey to have the point of view of the audience as well as hints to them about what's going to upload for them.

Tools & Resources to help with Research & Planning

It's not a decade to do all the kinds of stuff manually, and in writing segments, it's applicable too.

Of course, you can write resourceful content, but can you be able to put all the terms frequently?

Why bother when you have click-away tools and resources to make your work easy!

Using the right content writing tools, and resources will improve your writing skills on both informational and structural terms by giving instant feedback, suggestions, and more.

Have a glimpse at some amazing tools and resources: 

Tools & Resources to help with Research & Planning

  • Hubspot's blog topic generator: Helps you to enter writing with a topic.

  • Portent's content idea generator: Give the idea of a whole topic with each refresh.

  • Evernote: Note collecting organizing tools that are easily accessible.

  • Feedly: Helps stay current by suggesting new blog writings, websites, and others.

  • Google Docs: Has various templates and formats to cover your content.

  • Grammarly: AI-based digital tool helps to write correctly. 

  • Canva: Has both free and paid versions to design your writing to the next level.

  • Title Case: Free tool to write headings properly.

  • StackEdit: Make it easy to copy text without losing real formatting.

  • OneTab: Make the writer productive through easy clicks.

  • ChatGPT: Type of AI content writing. Cooperate as a human reply.


Content Writing Hacks for Beginners: Tips & Tricks 

There’s no boundary like age, qualification, or experience to enter the platform as a content writer. If you’re a beginner it is not an easy peasy way for you to survive on this writing platform.

But I won’t exaggerate this as we’re going to introduce you to some beginner content writing hacks that include tips and tricks for setting a norm of your own:


  • Set the goal with unique and profitable content.

  • Work with the keyword to know the ins and outs.

  • Set an outline, as well as a template, to grab the attention of users.

  • Write SEO content.

  • Focus on the headings to make the writing slippery.

  • Include relevant components to break the text.

  • Build effective CTA.

  • Try to attach internal links.

  • Make your writing conversational.

  • Be friendly with the writing tools.

  • Make your content original enough that it’s plagiarism free.

  • Edit, edit, and edit. Read again and again.

  • Insert words and sentences from a different angle.


Tips for improving your writing Skills and Style 

Not in doubt, some belongings are crucial when it comes to writing. Those may include having proper grammar and pattern, writing constructively for different sorts of users, and creating compelling and engaging content.

Yet, if you're eager how to improve content writing skills and style, there are techniques and suggestions that you need to follow.

Here are 9 tips that can help you improve your writing skills:

  • Look over the basics.

  • Write in the morning and daily.

  • Examine with writing prompts.

  • Read and write like you're straightforward.

  • Attend workshops.

  • Follow your outline.

  • Edit savagely.

  • Be a patient moderator.

  • Don't exaggerate your writing.

Techniques for Structuring & Formatting Your Content 

"I write informative content, put all the assets here, but it doesn't get enough reach"- it's a common question asked by the creators. And with the search for this question, there were 2,540,000 answers on Google.

Of course, there's something you missed out on. Can you predict them? 

It's the layout of the content. The writing must miss the attention of the readers. How this problem can be solved!

There present some writing hacks for beginners in 2023, which mentioned some techniques for designing your content writing. They are:


  • Put spaces between paragraphs as readers must miss words because of words. 

  • Set an inverted pyramid to make the content smooth.

    Structuring & Formatting Your Content

  • Add a subheading after the headings with a different font to make easy and clear your essay.

  • Focus on the first two paragraphs from here interest of the reader can grow or terminate.

  • Use bullet points for highlighting your information.

  • Insert links to make your content visually interesting and get SEO.

  • Spice it with relevant images.

Suggestions for Finding a Unique Voice as a Writer

Your tone of writing draws your personality into the reader's mind. Content must be highlighting enough that your audience separates you from the crowd. But it's one of the hardest tasks but the essential option to unlock your potential.

It's time to search and reboot that voice of yours with the steps given below

Step-1: Find for whom you’re writing.

Step-2: Write using adjectives and leave questions.

Step-3: Put yourself in the reader's shoes and answer the question why are you writing this?

Step-4: Focus on free writing and add known quotations.

Step-5: Put your personal experiences.

Step-6: Write and edit frequently by adapting changes.


Importance of Optimizing & Proofreading Content 

The importance of creating high-quality content is only taken to the head when your website is filled with typos, poorly written articles, and more.

It can only be solved by content optimization and proofreading. It's the last option to save your content from errors and other mistakes.


  • Give importance to the messages over mistakes.

  • Protect reputation.

  • Clear what you mean to say.

  • Show we're careful with our work.

  • Build your personality bigger and better.

  • Save money.

  • Help students to cut better grades.

Tips for Proofreading Your Content Effectively

Blog publishing is nothing but the main motive for writing a blog. But the blog will be more appreciative only if it has the least errors. As you’re not writing for a certain area but globally.

Audiences don’t take faulty content doesn’t matter how resourceful it is! You’re not the only option for them.

So, be careful while writing and be the best one. Only proofreading can save you from these circumstances. There is a content writing 101 hack to keep in mind when it comes to content proofreading.

Have a look at content writing hacks for beginners updated in 2023:


  • Try to review the hard copy.

  • Mark the section that you read.

  • Set a time when your brain stimulates more.

  • Cross-match with other proofreads.

  • Read a sentence at a time.

  • Adapt some online free checking tools.

  • Take pause.

  • Avoid editing and proofreading at the same time.

Suggestions for Catching and Fixing Common Errors

Every day, content managers are tasked with creating pieces that will engage and inform their audience. While this task can be daunting, some simple steps can help to avoid common errors.

Written content is one of the most important assets for any creator. By providing accurate information, you can help your customers make informed decisions.

However, even the best content can be ruined by the occasional mistake.

There are a few common errors that content creators should be aware of. By using 2023 content writing guides, one can correct these errors, you can improve the quality of your content, and ensure that it is well-received by your audience.

Catching and Fixing Common Errors

  • Not including a link to supporting information. When writing about complex topics, it is often helpful to include links to additional resources.

    Including a link to additional information does not require extensive research simply citing another source will provide readers with more information. 

  • Failing to properly format text. In general, all text must be properly formatted to be legible and searchable. This includes using correct grammar and punctuation as well as using kerning and leading factors correctly.

    Improperly formatted text can negatively impact readability and usability. 

  • Making factual errors. It is important to ensure that your facts are accurate, particularly when writing about sensitive topics or industry-related material.

    Failing to verify information can lead to inaccurate articles that may harm your reputation or bottom line.

  • Omitting key details. Whenever you are discussing complex topics, it is important to provide key details audiences will need to understand the article fully.

    Omitting these details can lead to confusion or frustration on the readers' part.

  • Using too many slogans, memes, or cliches may distract the reader from the main point. They must not want to read the same thing again and again.
  • Creating too much copy without leaving room for readers. To maximize reader engagement, every piece of written content needs space for them to add their thoughts and opinions.

    Writing without giving readers enough opportunity leaves them feeling frustrated or negative about the experience. 


Tools and resources to help with Editing & Proofreading

Tools guide us to content writing directly. It’s not a third-party medium. Why panic when you’ve tools for making you're writing unique and smooth at the same time you can edit and proofread your writing to give it a last touch before publishing.

Here is the list of tools you can use in your script:

  • Grammarly: Free proofreading and editing tool.

  • Paper Rater: Check grammar, give suggestions, and check plagiarism. There’s no need for sign-ups or logins.

  • Hemingway App: Focus on writing style more than grammar.

  • Grammar Checker: Free application gives a basic overview.

  • Writer: Helps to fix any type of writing.

  • Google Docs: Instantly helps you while writing by providing relatable suggestions.

  • ProWriting Aid: AI-based platform for making a smooth copy.


Ways and Strategies for Promoting Content

Promoting your blog makes the content more visible and accessible. More views on your post include more hits and more reach. A portion of content creators spends more time promoting their content than creating posts or articles.

But there's still a lack of understanding of the surroundings to promote your post.

The right moves and strategies will help you create as wide a net as possible when spreading content, but they will also focus on reaching the target audience with that content.

Here we're going to talk about some tips and ways to promote engaging content.


Ways to Promote Content for Maximum Visibility & Engagement 

The proper mix-up of the plan, attempt, and execution really can give you outstanding content to make a place on social media.

Here are 5 proven ways of promoting content for getting maximum reach and engagement. Let’s dive into it!

  • Post on different social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  • Create a separate promotion video.

  • Focus on advertising. Use both paid and organic tricks.

  • Try to build your community for making an unbreakable public relationship.

  • Utilize different scopes of promotions like Email promotion.

  • Add CTA.

Tips and Strategies for Promoting Content on Social Media

Social media set records day after day. What’s not here! Entertainment, fashion, education, tragedies, trendings, rumors; everywhere it leaves its signs.

To be a successful content writer, there’s no alternative to social media.

But competitions are also present here. You need to follow some basic tips for setting an unbreakable position here. They’re

  • Point out the perfect posting time.

  • Use hashtags.

  • Leave it easy to share for readers.

  • Reshare your post again and again.

  • Be constant.

  • Try different promotion strategies.

  • Involve influencers in promotions.

  • Use emotion.


The Bottom Line

If you’re excited about becoming a shining content writer, then you covered a perfect blog. Looking back, you have a lot of tips, strategies, and ways in your bucket to apply in your writing. You've ideas about tools for saving time and money to generate your unique content in your own way. You’ll go from a new blogger to a pro content creator in a twinkling.

And don’t miss to share your thoughts with us.