The Art of AI War: ChatGPT Vs. BARD

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It is said that, when we hear any new word, even before having a 100% understanding of it, our mind creates a picture of it on its own.

So when you hear AI War, what comes to your mind? Is it two robots fighting against one another? Or is it ChatGPT vs BARD due to the recent craze? But isn’t AI a mystery to you?

Still, puzzling? Hold on a bit, because we are going to find the answer at the end of the blog!

Let's split the words into two. Artificial, the name goes with machines, technologies, unnatural, and mock. And similarly, intelligence goes with intellect, mind, and brain. Now it’ll be easy for you to understand by combining those 2. Artificial intelligence is a form of computerized work similar to the human brain.

ChatGPT and Google Bard are two categories of open AI chatbots. If you need a sort of detailed or conversational form of content. Here it replies as in-person text responses to input extract Google’s Bard will clutch information from data and resources available in cyberspace. And ChatGPT’s data knowledge is boarded to 2021.

However, there’s a prediction of an AI war between ChatGPT V/s BARD. 

Our Discussion

  • Introduction.

  • The Rise of AI-Language Model.

  • Understanding ChatGPT.

  • Background Story of ChatGPT.

  • Features of ChatGPT.

  • Capabilities of ChatGPT.

  • Understanding BARD.

  • History of BARD.

  • Features of BARD.

  • Capabilities of BARD.

  • Comparison between ChatGPT and BARD.

  • Use Sectors for ChatGPT and BARD.

  • Insights on how Businesses can Leverage.

  • Future of AI-Language Models.

  • The Bottom Line.


The Rise of AI-Language Model 

AI is one of the leading forms of technology for the tenner. Researchers obliged that more than half of the percent costs for AI enhanced by almost 20% in 2021. AI language models have up-to-the-time algorithms to work with and analyze the natural form of languages including text, voice, and images.

The remarkable change here is brought to light with the innovation of a transformer-based model including GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)-3. This model is pre-trained with enough sources of translated languages, chatbots, content generation, and others to respond exactly like humans.

The application of AI models crosses the specific boundary and enters many sectors such as industries, healthcare, finance, marketing, as well as education. Suppose language models can help students to complete their innovative projects or papers with the help of AI resources. In finance, operators can list the information of the customers, their histories, transactions, and other stuff for processing later to predict the market position and find the scopes.

AI models can be also applicable for the upgradation of any existing technology. It listed and pinpoint previous histories as well as present ones. And compare them with the predicted future terms. Find the advantages and drawbacks, effects, and help to make a proper decision regarding the situation.

Understanding ChatGPT 

ChatGPT bot is a trending AI chatbot in 2023. But why is everyone obsessing over this? Check out the deed.

It's a kind of human form of a text conversation, which helps to boost your knowledge with creativity in huge sectors including your knowledge and unknowns.

Understand ChatGPT

OpenAI, a research and development organization of AI comes of age with the NLP (Natural Language Processing) model which is now known as ChatGPT.

ChatGPT can detect and define the content and its words and clauses by using machine learning algorithms and provide recorded feedback on given instruction that is generally 99% to the point.


Background Story of ChatGPT

As you all are aware and well informed about ChatGPT, it was launched recently and that makes no absolute history of ChatGPT. But we can still dive a bit towards the past.

In 2017, a group of researchers from Google published a research paper where they mentioned a similar AI Model known as "Transformer." And it is claimed that this "Transformer" is the base of today's ChatGPT. Though it was later redeveloped as per Natural Language. Again in 2018, the researchers raised another model called GPT-1, whose previous version was the "Transformer".

Later on time, GPT-2 and GPT-3 were launched in 2019 and 2020 consecutively. Right now, GPT-3 is operational with conversational interactions and holds a billion frameworks. 

Now, GPT-3 is the existing version with billion frameworks and conversational interactions. It puts to sea as a prototype on November 30, 2022, and quickly grabbed attention for its detailed responses and articulate answers. 

Features of ChatGPT 

ChatGPT is flexible enough to use. And has some different features, which help to mark it unique from other AI.

  • Generating human responses.   

  • Understanding natural input language.

  • Accessing and processing information.

  • Analyzing and synthesizing for giving accurate feedback.

  • Learning and improving responses through machine learning algorithms.

Features of ChatGPT

  • Generating text in a form coherent and grammatically correct.

  • Supporting different applications.

  • Providing fast response.

  • Maintaining privacy and security from cyber crimes.

Capabilities of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is the most trending application nowadays. It can deliver logical and relevant context according to the article, essay, response, and many more for websites, social media, and personal uses.

  • Understand natural language (NLU) user inputs, such as keywords and speech, and provide accurate and relevant replies.
  • Generate natural language (NLG) text that is easy to understand and grammatically correct.
  • Has updated machine learning (ML) algorithms that enable it to learn from previous incidents and improve its responses with time.
  • React to a user input according to the context of the conversation.
  • Collect information from various sources, such as databases, websites, and existing blogs, to provide a relevant and true response.


Understanding BARD

BARD, the word has a meaning related to something epic and heroic. 

Here Google Bard has the same meaning with a different touch. Bard is one of Google's experiments. At the same time, it's a conversational AI chat service. And powered by LaMDA. Google is trying to pair up a similar function of the brain with AI language models.

The latest one utilizes the plethora of data accessible on the internet to hand over authentic and accurate answers.  

Understand BARD

History of BARD

BARD hasn’t launched yet. So, there’s not any remarkable history. But here, you can understand the idea and intention of launching it to establish a history with BARD.

Bard was brought to light on February 6 in a report from Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai. In 2021 almost 2 years ago, LaMDA declared Google’s next-generation language and conversation form of application. They tried to create answers for users.

Bard utilizes a lightweight model version of LaMDA, which requires “notably less computing power,” Google claimed. 

Bard is still in the testing phase and aiming to be available to general users in the coming days. In a phase of testing, they only allow beta testers to continue to learn and improve Bard’s quality and speed. The testers are a geographically assorted group of people external to Google. But Google didn’t reveal the testing systems yet. It means we’ll just have to wait and watch who pops up top in the AI war between ChatGPT and BARD.

Features of BARD

BARD will generate text, translate it, answer queries, and give feedback on many other tasks. It would reply to questions in a relatable way rather than the exact search engine results. Some additional features can be

  • Constant friction against ChatGPT.

  • Authentic site of information.

  • Able to deal with complex queries.

  • Entrance to the internet.

  • Give you the latest answers.


Capabilities of BARD

As BARD isn’t in our hands yet. Now, we can’t directly mention the capabilities but can predict them. 

  • Conversational AI based on LaMDA.
  • BARD may translate languages. So able to remove the language barrier virtually. But primarily support English only.
  • It may summarize the topic relevantly.
  • It’ll be able to answer questions with the latest data.
  • There’ll be no sentimental analysis.
  • It may respond to regular search results.
  • No plagiarism can be detected.


Comparison between ChatGPT and BARD

ChatGPT and BARD are trending in 2023. Assuming those may create a new evaluation in cyber history. But will they stand up to the expectation of citizens? Let's have a comparison between them to understand ChatGPT and BARD in-depth in 2023

Difference between ChatGPT and BARD

ChatGPT v/s BARD, which one is better? 

At the time of writing the blog, it’s an uncertain question to mention. Google BARD is only accessible to select beta testers. But ChatGPT is already serviceable. Both Chatbots have a high potential to merge and prop up multiple languages for help globally. The Google application BARD will have recent datasets also including ancient ones.

But there’s a drawback for ChatGPT is that its database is limited to 2021. 

Use Sectors for ChatGPT and BARD

Both chatbots are used in a conversational form. Which may deal with creating content, translating languages, or responding to any random queries. But there’s a fact that BARD is only applicable to beta testers and ChatGPT is in our hands. Let's have a look at how ChatGPT and BARD are going to be used for content writing.

ChatGPT is 

  • Able, to sum up, the actual event of a specific topic by focusing on the keywords. 
  • Command to deliver content according to the given instructions. 
  • Possible to assemble the style and tone of the writing as needed. 

BARD will

  • Aid creators to pop up with raw notions for stories or settings with outstanding words, phrases, and recommendations.
  • Offer related works and suggestions for the betterment of your writing.
  • Not going to leave you short of sources as it’ll have enough up-to-date data information. 

But notably, AI is the root of that chatbots. As we’re talking about chatbots how can we forget the impact of AI language? AI isn’t bounded by several models but has a huge list. Brands pair up with AI and leave stunning aftermaths. Some of them are

  • Walmart- With the help of an extra set of AI eyes, they‘re able to define inspections, catching things that humans may skip.
  • Berkshire Hathaway- They use AI to achieve customer data for their further projects. The firm processes data to have opinions about the benefits it offers and AI helps to process them correctly. 
  • AT&T- With the thinking of chances for automation, AT&T serves better products for both consumers and advertisers. It happens because of their work with AI-based image recognition.

Insights on how Businesses can Leverage

By involving AI in operations, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and unlock new growth opportunities. Here are some insights on how businesses can leverage AI:

  • Automation of power help to trim business processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. 
  • Helps businesses to understand their customers better and provide personalized experiences.
  • Optimize marketing movements by analyzing data and predicting customer behavior. 
  • Make data-driven decisions by analyzing large amounts of data and providing insights.
  • Guides businesses to improve their product development process by analyzing customer feedback and focusing on market trends.


Future of AI-Language Models

We can predict the future of AI-language models is comparatively promising and exciting base on their rapid moves. As well as expecting to see key advances in this field in the coming years. Some of the major areas where we can expect to see:

  1. Improved accuracy and performance will help us to understand and generate complex and rare forms of language correctly.
  2. Multilingualism will be especially needed for businesses and organizations that work globally and suppose to communicate with customers and clients in multiple languages.
  3. Contextual understanding may give them more accurate and appropriate answers.
  4. Personalization may involve a current form of emotion or thoughts for a specific moment.
  5. Should integrate with other technologies to innovate more user-friendly models.

The Bottom Line

In this war, the most gripping part is both have endless probabilities of winning. Where both ChatGPT and BARD both are deserving competitors recently. But what’s most luring is that AI going to be the bystander of its biggest deed in the upcoming years.