Should You Pay for Twitter or X Verification?- Sow Dream

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Vulnerability is not weakness. It's our most accurate measure of courage.

The same is true for Twitter verification.

In the past, Twitter verification was a way to show that an account was authentic and important. But in recent years, Twitter has changed. It's become a place where misinformation and trolls run rampant. 

Not just its category has been changed, its name and branding too! Twitter is now X. And we bet, most of you are aware of it already.

So, the question is: Should you Pay for Twitter or X Verification?

On the one hand, a verified badge can help you to cut through the noise and show that you're a legitimate account. It can also help you to build trust with your followers.

On the other hand, paying for verification is a way of legitimizing a platform that is increasingly hostile to truth and authenticity. It's also a way of giving money to a company that has shown little interest in protecting its users.

So, what's the answer?

It depends on your values and your goals. If you believe that Twitter or X, is still a valuable platform for connecting with others and sharing your voice, then paying for verification may be worth it to you.

But if you're concerned about the direction that X or Twitter is headed, then you may want to think twice about giving them your money.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pay for Twitter verification is a personal one. But we encourage you to think about it carefully before you make a decision.

Twitter is now X

In 2023, Twitter was acquired by Elon Musk. Musk has made a number of changes to the platform, including rebranding it as X. This has led to some confusion about whether or not Twitter verification is still a thing.

The good news is that X verification is still available. The process for getting verified is the same as it was for Twitter verification. You can apply for verification through the Twitter website.

If you're considering paying for X verification, we encourage you to do your research and weigh the pros and cons carefully. There are a number of factors to consider, including the cost of verification, the benefits of having a verified badge, and your own personal goals.

What is Twitter or, X Verification?

So, what is Twitter or X, verification?

Twitter or X, verification is a way for Twitter or X to signal to its users that an account is authentic and important. It's a way to help users distinguish between real accounts and fake accounts.

The purpose of Twitter or X, verification is to protect users from being scammed or misled by fake accounts. It's also a way to help users find the accounts that they're looking for.

Eligibility Criteria for Getting Verified on Twitter

Not everyone can get Twitter verification. There are certain eligibility criteria that you need to meet in order to be verified.

The eligibility criteria for Twitter verification are as follows:

  • Your account must be at least 6 months old.
  • Your account must have a verified phone number.
  • Your account must have a high number of followers.
  • Your account must be active and engaged.
  • Your account must be of public interest.


Cost of Twitter or X Verification

The cost of Twitter or X verification varies depending on the type of account you have.

Detailed Pricing:

  • Web: $8 per month or $84 per year
  • iOS: $11 per month or $114.99 per year
  • Android: $11 per month or $114.99 per year


In addition to the monthly or annual subscription fee, there is also a one-time setup fee of $0.99 for web users and $1.99 for iOS and Android users.

N.B: Please note that these prices may vary depending on your region.*



Pros and Cons of Twitter Verification

Twitter verification is a status symbol that many people aspire to have. It can give your account a boost in credibility and visibility, which can lead to increased follower growth. However, Twitter verification is not free.

But is it really worth it to pay for the verification? Or does Elon Musk offers a date with him once you pay for the Twitter Verification? Jokes aside, lets follow up on the pros, as well as on the cons of Twitter Verification!


Pros of Twitter verification

  • Enhanced Credibility and Authenticity: Twitter verification lets people know that you are a legitimate account. This can be important for businesses, organizations, and public figures who want to build trust with their followers.
  • Increased Visibility and Follower Growth: Twitter verification can help your account show up higher in search results and be more likely to be seen by people. This can lead to increased follower growth.


Cons of Twitter verification

  • Limited Availability for Verification: Twitter only grants verification to accounts that meet certain criteria. This means that not everyone who applies for verification will be approved.
  • Potential Elitism and Unequal Access: Some people believe that Twitter verification is elitist and gives an unfair advantage to certain accounts. This is because only a limited number of accounts are verified, and the process for getting verified is not always transparent.


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The Cost of Verification on Twitter

  • Twitter's Approach to Verification and Its Costs: Twitter verification is a free service that is available to accounts that meet certain criteria. These criteria include having a large following, being active on Twitter, and being in the public eye. If your account meets these criteria, you can apply for verification through Twitter's website.

Which Verification Option is Right for You?

The decision of whether to pay for Twitter or X verification depends on your individual needs and budget. If you meet the criteria for free Twitter verification and you are not concerned about the wait time, then free Twitter verification may be the best option for you.


Should You Pay for Twitter or X Verification?

Like we have mentioned earlier, Twitter verification is a status symbol that can give your account a boost in credibility and visibility. However, it is important to consider whether verification is actually important for your specific needs and whether the cost is worth it.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to pay for Twitter or X verification is up to you. If you believe that the benefits of verification outweigh the costs, then paying for it may be a good option for you. However, if you are not sure whether or not verification is worth it, then you may want to consider applying for free Twitter verification through Twitter's website.

The Bottom Line

Twitter verification can be a valuable tool for businesses and organizations, but it is important to consider your specific needs and budget before you pay for it. If you believe that the benefits of verification outweigh the costs, then paying for it may be a good option for you. However, if you are not sure whether or not verification is worth it, then you may want to consider applying for free Twitter verification through Twitter's website.