Crafting a Strong Brand Voice: Tips and Examples from Successful Companies

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Voices always have a unique identity. It can be the voice of a human, animal, bird, or song. Hear the tune of a bird and predict which bird it is. We need not see it. Even listening to the melody of a song, we understand which song it is, who is present there, or whose voice it is.

In the same way as social media, a brand personality is brought out through writing, terms as the voice of the brand. 

86.3% of users attach to writing more emotionally than any other content. If they like your writing once, then no coming back from there. By now, you at least understand how crafting a strong brand voice is needed to have a successful brand. Keep an effective and consistent brand voice for content writing. It requires building a foundation of trust with your audience.

A well-crafted brand story communicates the values, mission, and POV of your company clearly and concisely. Your brand voice should be easy for readers to recognize and rally around.

To create and maintain a strong and consistent brand voice. You need to consider three elements: create a spicy style and make it easy to understand; review your style guide daily and make writing authentic and conversational.

But don’t you think it’s all you should know! But you have a lot of exciting terms as to why and how you may build and use a strong brand voice in content writing as well as we’ll mention some incredible examples of successful companies with strong brand voices.


Our Discussions

  • Introduction.

  • Why is Brand Voice Important in Content Writing? 

  • Ways to Craft a Strong Brand Voice.

  • Examples of Successful Brand Voices.

  • The Bottom Line.


Why is Brand Voice Important in Content Writing? 

Exhibiting brand voices can be tricky but essential for creating content that will echo with your audience. Why? Because your brand voice is the communication style. This is used to make your brand known to your customer.

Not only marking the brand but setting a strong bond, proving your specialty, and never dissatisfying your audiences. The more you establish a strong brand voice, the more you become acceptable to the readers.  The importance of brand voice in content writing can’t describe in a few sentences.

But we’ve just taken the initiative to put some of the importance here:

Why is Brand Voice Important in Content Writing?

  • Set your own identity.

  • Put on a unique personality.

  • Make it easy to recognize.

  • Enhance the economic and characterize value.

  • Create an identical sight.

  • Avoid complexity for the reader.

  • Cope with competitors.

  • Help to get SEO.

  • Echo one-on-one communication.

For being a pro to set a strong brand voice, it's not enough to know. You must need some elaboration to know it more clearly and closely. We try to work with this and satisfy you with the necessary documents in our next portion.

The Impact of a Strong Brand Voice on Brand Awareness

The human mind is one of the easiest ways to convince if you know the right trick. They may believe you blindly if you’re able to set a strong impression.

Brand voice represents you to your audience through your writing, but the tone is a kind of emotion that hits the heart of the reader with some smooth words. Tone represents the awareness of a brand.

Let's have a look at how a strong brand voice in content writing will be able to create brand awareness:


  • Easily make the content visible to the readers.

  • The audience may give you feedback on your attempts.

  • A proper set of elements makes the audience differ from others.

  • The more you are loyal, the more you engage the reader.

  • Only by the name of your brands, the audience can predict what may be waiting for them.

  • Don’t be inconsistent, that may take your audience away from you.

  • Research and research frequently, and adapt changes to stand out in the crowd.

The Impact of a Strong Brand Voice on Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty proves how much you can satisfy the reader. Approach through content is more important than reality. A good connection can make you believe anything easily.

Suppose you’re a newcomer and target a group of audience and make content to satisfy them without knowing and judging their views. Will you satisfy them better than a creator who knew them well?

A creator who knows their audiences clearly and practices according to their perception to satisfy their queries maintaining a style that’s easy for them to understand.

Your voice in your writing should be polite, cheerful, and communicative. By this readers may feel free to interact with you as well as help to increase reach.
“Brand voice passes on your brand’s merits and aims to customers.”

Customer loyalty is a non-random, long existence response toward your writing. Oliver divides customer loyalty into four categories: cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty, relational loyalty, and action loyalty.


Real-life Examples of Brands Having Strong & Consistent Brand Voice 

Interaction is the only way to stay in a society that can be your personal life or professional life. You must need interaction to survive.

Writing is a place where you can mix your personal life with your professional life, like representing how you are, giving a personal opinion of your own concept, and many more.

But that shouldn’t be for a specific period but all the time. If you take a step back, the audience will never accept you in the previous state. The successful companies that we are seeing now, weren't that at the start. They must need a brand voice and maintain consistency with that.

Here are some examples of successful companies having a strong brand voice for you to make it clear-

Real-life Examples of Brands Having Strong & Consistent Brand Voice

  1. Fitbit: A health brand, which supplies smartwatches and health tracking kits. It has a cheerful and exciting voice that makes it different from others. It provides message support to its users according to the requirements of its users.

  2. Duolingo: A language app. That has an amazing nature to engage people. It has exciting features to improve your language as well as learn your mistakes and know the ins and outs of another lingo.

  3. Coca-Cola: A successful beverage brand. It survives all its paths here, It has a tone of friendly, and informal but appropriate for the users. And still, satisfy global users with their outstanding services.


Ways to Craft a Strong Brand Voice

A strong brand voice is needed to survive in today's competitive marketplace. A strong brand voice shows whether potential customers are attached to your content or service, differentiates you from your competitors, and gives you credibility when advocating for your company or product.

Several factors in creating a strong brand voice through content writing like 


  • Storytelling.

  • Researching target audience.

  • Use of trigger keywords. 

  • Highlight your brand goals.

  • Attach your current status in your content.

  • Create a brand voice chart.

Tips for Using Language & Tone Effectively to Create Brand Voice 

Additionally, you should always be thinking about the impact of your content on your stakeholders. As content writers, we all do the same from Google to our keywords to filter the information. Almost the main concept is the same in all writing relevant to the specific keyword.

The only thing that helps you to come to the front is the language and tone of your content. How can you make the voice strong with the same objects as others? It only depends on you.  

By following the tips given below, you can craft languages and tones effectively to help achieve your goals for a strong brand presence-

  • Use exclamatory and question sentences.

  • Avoid complex sentences.

  • Don’t elaborate unnecessarily.

  • Put bullet points.

  • Bold the keywords.

  • Add famous quotes.

  • Use enough space.

  • Add visual elements.

  • Attach testimonials.


Examples of Successful Brand Voices

How you interact with your users is as important as the quality and services of your product. Till now you must understand we’re talking about the behavior not the quality of the product.

You may supply the best product but what if you can’t reach the users! If you take a look around, you'll see many successful companies that have reached the pinnacle of success using a strong brand voice.

But the thing to know is that they have reached this place in one day?

Of course not. They are coming here through various routes. Let us tell you about the success of some of the successful companies with strong brand voices and the key to their brand voice and survival.

Examples of Successful brand voices

  • Starbucks: It has a practical and revealing tone of voice. The practical tone shows the goal of reaching maximum clarity. And revealing tone reveals the personality of the brand and the stories behind the startup.

  • Uber: It has a tone of attentive, easy, bold, and logical. It illustrates that Uber has the audience first writing, is easy to understand for them, and deals with different languages to reach the highest users.

  • Harley-Davidson: It’s a perfect example of how an aggressive tone can apply to a brand. They put themselves apart by using a pleasant, cheerful tone. They can be put into the outlaw archetype. They have a rugged, bold, and consistent tone for fierce users.

  • Slack: Its writing is as simple as clear without any fuzz. 


The Bottom Line

No need to broaden the writing and distract from the main topic, when the work can be easy with one sentence. This type of neutral tone allows for a wider range of target audiences. 

Apply everything you've learned so far to master your unique voice. Remember that the quality of your product and popularity will come later, how you will introduce your customer to your product and encourage them to use it will come first. So, be careful before jumping into it.